- Csr & Inclusion
CSR: The “responsible” business model that is good for everyone
Safeguarding the environment, welfare, human and labour rights: shared value is now an essential choice for companies.

Safeguarding the environment, welfare, human and labour rights: shared value is now an essential choice for companies. According to a recent survey carried out by Bva Doxa, just over 20% of Italians know what Corporate Social Responsibility actually is: that area concerning implications of an ethical nature within the strategic business vision. While 47% of respondents believe that CSR activities “are cosmetic and not concrete operations”, 33% believe it is very important to be made aware of the ethical conduct of the brands of which they are a customer, a percentage that rises to 84% if you add those who consider it “quite important”.
CSR is becoming an essential choice for companies and institutions, as well as a fundamental reputational element capable, on the one hand, of determining the success of a brand and its products and, on the other, of promoting the active role of companies in the improvement of society as a whole.
The most effective way to raise awareness around these issues is through good communication: the initiatives undertaken must be narrated and not celebrated. And we need reliable data to demonstrate what has been done.
There are many potential areas of CSR intervention: environmental protection, human rights, welfare and more. Last but not least, the issues of work (its quality, job protection and gender diversity), which are also essential for the tangible effects on employee well-being and productivity.
The attention workers, customers and stakeholders pay to areas of social responsibility is now very high and companies know this well: there is no longer business without creating shared value. This is also demonstrated by the statistics, according to which the companies that meet CSR parameters enjoy better financial results, and a better stock market performance than comparable businesses that are not as attentive to these issues.
However, the concept of CSR should not be superimposed on those of voluntary work or philanthropy. It goes hand in hand with the same fundamental principles of the economy: a company that does not produce income, or worse does not stand on its own feet, cannot be socially responsible precisely because it has no surplus to give back to the territory or the community.
In a global market like today’s, there is no business area that does not need to be concerned about its public reputation, a public that is increasingly sensitive to the issue of sustainability (economic and environmental) even in their consumption choices.